
Orthodontics (Invisalign & Invisible Braces)

Orthodontics is the field of dentistry that involves straightening teeth and correcting bite issues. Orthodontics typically involve braces (clear, metal) or clear aligners to straighten the teeth over a time period dependent on the severity of the case. All types will typically achieve the same result but differ in treatment time, cost, comfort and aesthetics.


Traditionally, children are not assessed for orthodontic needs until after all their deciduous teeth have fallen out. This is normally around the age of 10. Teeth grow into the available space so if there is overcrowding, often this is due to an underdeveloped jaw. However if children have their baby teeth come through as early as 3 months of age this will mean they will fall out earlier also, & some children as young as 8 have been ready for orthodontic treatment. So it is important to recognise this is a case by case decision of when to start orthodontics.


Dentofacial orthopaedics typically involve growth guidance and jaw expansion appliances to develop the growing jaw into the optimum size and shape. In some cases, myofunctional exercises are required to correct bad habits associated with swallowing and tongue positioning issues. By maximising the genetic potential of the jaws, this will have a positive effect on teeth position, posture, speech, swallowing, tongue position, sleep and facial aesthetics. It is now recommended to have an orthopaedic consultation at the age of 7 to diagnose any possible developmental issues and provide the necessary treatment.

Here at Ai Dental, we do both clear aligners and invisible braces as orthodontic treatment options.



Is a well-known treatment also known as Invisalign & is used to straighten mild to moderate crowding. This is an alternative to traditional braces for adults who prefer not to have metal braces or wires. With a series of clear aligners, your teeth will gradually reposition to create a smile that you will be proud of.  

These aligners are processed with advanced 4D computer technology to provide you with a virtual treatment plan. This will allow you to see a video of what your teeth will look like at each stage & upon completion before you even put down a deposit!



Are fixed braces that consist of metal brackets that attach to the front of your teeth and are connected with a metal wire for the length of your treatment. Fixed braces need to be put on and removed by a dentist or orthodontist, which is why they are ‘fixed’. Patients can wear them on both the top and bottom of their teeth or just on one arch. This option is faster in regards to the movement of teeth as compared to clear aligners.

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